
Welcome IPHD & IMASTER Students to Guanghua!

本研 北大光华本科研究生 2023-11-16

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At 5:30 pm on September 5, 2023, the orientation talk prepared for the 2023 IPHD & IMASTER students was held. Nine IPHD & IMASTER students from different countries showed up and participated in this activity. Professor Weng Xi, Executive Director of Undergraduate & Postgraduate Program, hosted the orientation talk.

活动伊始,光华管理学院院长刘俏教授致欢迎辞。刘俏教授首先对来自IPHD & IMASTER项目的同学们表示热烈的欢迎,并简要介绍了项目近年来的发展情况。随后,刘俏教授针对留学生如何在光华顺利度过学习阶段给出了几点建议:首先,尽可能多地与教授交流和联系,尝试向他们学习,并获得如何进行研究的指导;其次,刘俏教授建议博士学生学会保持耐心,不要因为在短时间内没有取得成果而气馁或沮丧;第三,刘俏教授建议他们多与中国学生交流,这可以帮助他们尽快适应中国和北京大学的生活。

After the event began, Professor Liu Qiao, Dean of Guanghua School of Management, delivered a welcome speech. Professor Liu Qiao first gave a warm welcome to all students from IPHD & IMASTER program and briefly introduced the development of the program in recent years. Subsequently, Professor Liu Qiao proposed several suggestions for foreign graduate students on how to pass a successful learning stage in Guanghua. The first advice is to communicate and connect with professors as much as possible, try to learn from them and get instructions on how to conduct research. Secondly, Professor Liu Qiao suggested that PhD. students should learn to be patient and not be discouraged or frustrated just because they have not achieved results in a short period of time. Thirdly, Professor Liu Qiao suggested that they should communicate more with Chinese students, which may help them adapt to life in China and Peking University as soon as possible.


Next, Professor Shen Qiaowei, Director of Undergraduate & Postgraduate Program, gave a welcome speech. Professor Shen also expressed her welcome to all of the students. She mentioned that many teachers in Guanghua have overseas educational backgrounds, which provides necessary conditions for Guanghua to receive overseas graduate students. At the same time, Guanghua has rich data and other resources related to the Chinese economy, enterprises, etc., which can provide convenient research conditions for overseas students who are interested in China-related topics. Subsequently, Professor Shen said that the learning process for graduate students may not be easy, but the professors, academic administrators, and all of the students of Guanghua are willing to provide assistance to them and she wished them a successful study life in Guanghua.


Then Assistant Dean of Guanghua School of Management, Director of global affairs, Mo Shujun, gave a welcome speech. Director Mo first congratulated the nine students on successfully standing out among many applicants and obtaining the qualifications to study in Guanghua. Subsequently, she gave a brief introduction to various international projects in Guanghua, mentioning that over 300 foreign students come to Guanghua every year to study. Finally, Director Mo hoped that all foreign students can actively participate in the school's activities and have a pleasant study life in Guanghua.


Subsequently, Professor Weng Xi briefly introduced the Undergraduate & Postgraduate Program. He firstly gave a quick overview to Peking University and Guanghua School of Management. Professor Weng introduced Guanghua's comprehensive teaching system, excellent faculty, abundant opportunities for foreign exchange and cooperation, complete career development center, and profound alumni resources. He also gave a brief introduction of campus life at PKU, including learning plan, student organizations, sports and other campus activities, allowing foreign students to have a basic understanding of their following campus life.


Zhu Linran, a third year PhD. student from the Department of Finance, as a student representative, gave an introduction to Postgraduate Studies and Campus Life. Combined her own experience, she mentioned that Guanghua has rich academic resources, excellent and enthusiastic professors, and a comprehensive curriculum system. At the same time, she also introduced the rich campus life of Peking University, such as various student clubs, postgraduate student unions, etc.

在教授和学生代表发言结束后,来自IPHD & IMASTER项目的9名学生依次做了自我介绍,并进行了充分而自由的交流。同学们相互熟悉,并与教授们深入讨论了未来在光华学习的一些问题,为即将来到的大学生活迈开第一步。

After the professors and student representatives finished speaking, nine students from the IPHD & IMASTER program introduced themselves in turn. Finally, the meeting entered the stage of free networking, where the students exchanged ideas with each other and discussed some issues about their future learning in Guanghua with the professors. Together, they took the first step for the coming college life.


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